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活動介紹/Event Introduction

製造技術的轉型升級,近年來在新冠肺炎疫情和淨零碳排兩大趨勢推動下,加速在各產業落地。 如今,業界要的不僅僅是數位轉型,而是兼顧永續的零碳轉型,如何兼顧零碳同時創造營運成長曲線,成為各家公司追求永續的最重要議題。 諸如工業元宇宙、機器人,抑或是結合VR/AR裝置的遠距協作,驅動產業轉型的推進器非常多元,唯有找對引擎,才有機會引領產業打造永續未來。

The trend of Covid-19 and net-zero emissions have driven the transformation and upgrading of the metal-working industry. Achieving the balance between sustainability and profitability is definitely a lesson for the whole industry. There are dazzling new ways that lead to transformation, including the industrial metaverse, robots and remote collaboration in AR/VR, etc. Yet building your own way to a sustainable future is the only truth.

報名查詢: 02-2759 1366 #222

未來製造的機運和挑戰/Opportunities and Challenges of future manufacturing
前瞻科技擘劃未來工廠新樣貌/Forward looking technology envisions the new factory of the future
活動好禮 Giveaway
交通資訊/Traffic Information