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ARM物聯網事業群業務總監 粘靜芳Suzie Nien

在軟體解決方案方面擁有超過13年的銷售/ 業務開發經驗,也曾負責半導體產業晶片安全IP(軟體/硬體IP)銷售工作達五年以上。

現任Arm物聯網事業群擔任台灣和東南亞市場的業務總監。在此之前,曾擔任Sansa Security(Discretix)大中華及東南亞地區的市場負責人,為該區域的IC設計公司及OEM提供半導體安全IP和內容保護解決方案。

More than 13 years of Sales/BD experiences for Software solutions and over 5 years of selling Chipset security IP (both Hardware/Firmware IP) in Semiconductor industry.

Currently is holding the position of Sales and Business Development Director of Arm IoT Service Group for Taiwan and Southern East Asia regions and was the Country Manager for Sansa Security (Discretix) for semiconductor security IP and content protection solutions to IC design houses and OEMs in Great China and Southern East Asia.


NXP大中華區微處理器及微控制器產品行銷經理 黃健洲 James Huang



Maxim應用工程師 (FAE) 謝聖儀 Sammy Hsieh



Adesto亞太區應用工程經理 張佳陽Willis Chang

張佳陽擁有半導體20多年經驗,包括RF front-ends IC, 數位/類比混合IC設計工程師,AE/FAE經理, 具有開發RFIC ,Display Driver和 Touch Controller IC及模組設計的豐富經驗,於2014年加入Adesto,目前負責Adesto 亞太區的產品行銷及技術支援工作。 Adesto為IoT物聯網時代,創新與特定應用的半導體和嵌入式系統的領先供應商


Adesto FAE Manager, Asia Pacific, Willis Chang Willis Chang has more than 20 years of experience in semiconductors, including RF front-ends IC, Digital/Analog mixed mode IC design engineer, AE/FAE manager, With extensive experience in developing RFIC, Display Driver and Touch Controller IC and module design, he joined Adesto in 2014 and is currently responsible for product marketing and technical support for Adesto Asia Pacific. Adesto is the leading provider of innovative and application-specific semiconductors and embedded systems for the IoT IoT era Willis Chang holds a master of electrical engineering at Tamkang University


Andes特製運算事業部處長 王勝雯Wen Wang


Andrew Grant

Imagination業務開發資深總監 Andrew Grant

Andrew Grant is a Senior Director, Vision and AI, PowerVR at Imagination Technologies. With a background in AI innovation and strategic insights he is also responsible for strategic business development in AI and building the wider ecosystem of AI partnerships. He advises customers on the impact of new and emerging technologies and how best to utilise neural networks in Edge devices.

Prior to working with Imagination Technologies he was involved with spin-outs from UCL and CERN, chairing Satalia, an AI company based in London, for several years. He has also worked with UCL School of Management, WPP and has completed innovation projects on the Future of Automotive, Aviation, Retail and the IoT. At British Telecom he was a CIO and Marketing leader and he has also worked with Intel and HP.

He has a particular interest in autonomous vehicles and ADAS and how AI can be used to create smarter IoT devices for vision, home and robotics use cases and is a frequent visitor to Taiwan, China and the ASEAN region.


Silicon Labs台灣區業務經理 江志良 Denis Chiang


金光一(Eric Jin)

GigaDevice 產品市場總監 金光一(Eric Jin)

金光一 (Eric Jin), 微電子學碩士,擁有10年以上半導體行業產品規劃及市場行銷經驗。現任兆易創新GigaDevice產品市場總監,負責MCU產品的策略規劃、市場運營和業務拓展。


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